This Bible study is all about how God calls us each by name, one by one, as shown in the first four chapters of Numbers.
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The book of Numbers is often thought of as a boring book by Christians, having nothing to do with our modern lives. In this Bible study, we’ll walk through why that couldn’t be further from the truth! In these chapters, a census is taken of the Israelite nation a year after they were freed from slavery. We get to watch as God brings them from an orderless mob to an organized nation centered around His presence. In these chapters, God calls everyone by name and gives them specific jobs to do in His service. Here, He ensures that everyone has equal value in His sight.
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Read all about how God calls each by name before reflecting on it below!
Numbers 1-4
Taking a census – God calls us by name
God spoke to Moses and told Him to take a census of all the people. This census would have greatly impacted the Israelites because it counted all the able men to go to war. Before, while the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, they had the protection of the Egyptians. Now, as a free people, they had to prepare to go to war. With each individual that was counted, all the families knew that there would be a chance for that husband, father, and son to die in war.
Although we as believers do not fight against flesh and blood, we do have spiritual enemies to contend with. Just as the Israelites had to take a census and order themselves so that they knew what they were working with, so too should we take a count of our own lives to make sure we can stand up against our enemies. When was the last time you ordered your life around God (Ephesians 6:10-12)?
God calls us by name – One by one
During the census, each man was listed by name, one by one. This fact was so important that it was repeated 15 times throughout the first chapter. Each and every person is important to God. God calls us all by name. God didn’t just want the total number of His people, He wanted them BY NAME! Although this census was primarily to list those going to war, it showed the Israelites that God found value in each individual.
How has God called you by name (Isaiah 43:1)?

Order in the camp – one by one
After a full census was taken of all the tribes, God told Moses how they were to be arranged in the camp. Each and every tribe was to be centered around the Tabernacle, all looking to God and His dwelling place. Each person was called by God to have His name centered in their lives as they sought Him in everything. They were also given instructions when each tribe was to set out when the camp moved from place to place.
God did not leave out any important detail as He ordered the people whom He calls by name. The Israelites had been on this wilderness journey for about a year now as they eagerly waited to hear from God. Now that they had (recorded in Exodus and Leviticus) it was time to set out and conquer the promised land. In order to do so, God needed to arrange them according to His will.
Why do you think God chose to arrange the Israelites before they moved out (Isaiah 26:3)? Are you willing to have your life arranged by God, submitting to His plans for your life (Psalm 33:11)?
Everything points to God
In the middle of the tribes listed, between the second and third groups of tribes that were to move out, was the Tent of the Meeting. Once again we see how God was to remain at the center of the Israelite’s lives. Everything we do in our lives, from the mundane to the extraordinary, should be centered around God. The Israelites in the Wilderness had to wait for God’s command before they moved, and then they had to pay special attention to keep the dwelling place of God in the center.
How do you keep God centered in your life (Hebrews 12:1-3)?

God calls the humble by name
At the beginning of Numbers 3, we see how God the account of the family of Aaron and Moses. Specifically, we see how Moses did not appoint any of his sons into the ministry of the priesthood, but rather gave all of that glory to Aaron and his sons. It seems that the descendants of Moses were incorporated into the Levites and with Aarons descendants.
Why do you think Moses passed up giving his children a place of honor and instead included them in the account of Aaron (Numbers 12:3)?
The call to be reverent for every Name
Once again, the death of Nahab and Abihu are mentioned. These firstborn sons of Aaron, who should have inherited the priesthood, offered unauthorized fire to God and were struck dead because of their disobedience. They are mentioned at least five times throughout Leviticus and Numbers to remind the people of what it means to serve God with reverence.
Why is it that we have the ability to be in God’s presence (Psalm 5:7)? How do you come before God (Psalm 2:11)?
How do I fit into God’s service?
Each of the Levite families were given very specific tasks to do regarding the Tabernacle. Although only Aaron and his sons could serve as priests, the other Levite families were to serve the needs of the priests as well as the congregation. They made not have held the seemingly “prestigious” job of priesthood. Yet they still had value in God’s plan and in His service. Each family was important for serving in the Tabernacle, and no one could function in their roles without each other.
How do you fit into God’s service (1 Corinthians 12:4-6, 1 Corinthians 12:12)?

Levite substitution
In Numbers 3:12, we see a case of substitutional sacrifice in the Old Testament, which is further clarified in Numbers 3:40-51. God declares that He has taken a Levite in place of the firstborn of all the Israelites, and they are to substitute one for one. Although everyone belongs to God, not everyone is dedicated to a life of service. That it why the Levites redeem the firstborn among the Israelites. We can see this same concept held true today in our tithes. Although all of our earthly possessions and money belong to God, we joyfully give up the first 10 percent back to God each month in the form of tithe.
Do you acknowledge God as the proper owner of everything in your life (Psalm 24:1)?
Called to wisdom
When taking the census of the Levites for Tabernacle service, they were only to count the men from thirty to fifty years old. This age was believed to be the best years of a mans life as it combined physical strength with maturity and wisdom. The best years of our lives should be dedicated to God. They also counted all the men from a month old or more. This showed the importance of training up the next generation. It was not enough for those entering into service to take stalk of their own lives and spiritual maturity. They also needed to equip the next generation for holy lives of service to the Lord.
Just as God called the Levites to grow in wisdom and strength, as well as to teach others the word of God, He also calls you by name. How are you strengthening your relationship with God (Philippians 4:4-9)? How are you ministering to those younger in the faith (Colossians 1:28-29)?
Reflect on how God calls you by name
In these chapters detailing the census and order of the Israelites in the wilderness, a timeless truth is seen. God calls us each by name and gives us a purpose with significance. Although these chapters can be very dry and boring to read, as we study God’s word we see the profound impact in our lives today. These chapters remind us of our individual value in God’s eyes and our unique role in His grand design. Jus as the Israelites set up camp to keep God at the center, so too are we called to do the same.
How do you order your life around Christ? How do you serve Him reverently and faithfully?
As you contemplate your place in God’s service, don’t forget to not only seek personal growth but also invest in nurturing the next generation of believers. Don’t be afraid to heed the call to live purposefully. Know that God calls you by name, and invites you into a life of abundant blessing and eternal significance. Embrace His call, and let your life be a testament to His grace and glory.