This Bible study is about how God cares about each stage in our spiritual journey with Him.
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Each stage in your journey holds immense significance in your spiritual walk with God. Numbers 33-36 demonstrate the importance of remembering these stages as the Israelites get ready to take the promised land. Each stage showcases God’s power, protection, and provision for the Israelites, as they continue to draw closer to Him. Reflecting on this journey invited us to record and remember God’s faithfulness in our own lives.

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Read all about how God used each stage of the Israelites’ journey, before reflecting on it below.
Numbers 33-36
Individual stages are important
This recorded list in Numbers 33 serves as a good reminder to the second generation to remember the faithfulness of God over the last forty years. It details the places they have been, showing God’s faithfulness and how He brought them through. It highlights their escape from Egypt, reminding the Israelites that God is in control. He fought their battles before they were a trained army, and He alone led them to the promised land. This list is also grace-filled because it omits the Israelites failures during different stages in their journey.
It is good to record and remember God’s faithfulness and all He has done. How have you experienced God’s faithfulness in the various stages of your life (Lamentations 3:22-23)?

Drive out, destroy, and demolish
The Israelites were instructed to drive out all the inhabitants of Canaan when they would cross over the Jordan. They were supposed to destroy all the idols and demolish all the high places. God knew that there was no such thing as peaceful coexistence with other gods and religions. Either the Israelites would serve God wholeheartedly, or they would allow seemingly innocent things to remain, which would eventually pull them away from the One true God.
We must drive out, demolish, and destroy anything in our lives that is not from God. Are you allowing something to live in your life that is trying to pull you away from God? What can you do about it (1 John 5:21)?
Boundaries are important
Numbers 34 describes the boundaries the Israelites would have when they possessed Canaan. This chapter may seem out of place for us, since the Israelites had not yet entered Canaan. But for the Israelites, it again demonstrated that God intended to keep His promise that they would enter the Promised land. It also gave clear direction for dividing the land after they conquered it, as well as limiting how much land they could take in future wars with other nations.
What boundaries has God given you? How do you see His grace, power, and faithfulness represented in the Boundaries (Galatians 5:13)?
Dispersed among the land
The Levites were to be given forty-eight towns, dispersed throughout the land when they entered Canaan. These towns would include just enough for the Israelites to do the work of the Lord – offering sacrifices and teaching the people the Word of God. But they would not be enough land for the Levites to make a living. They would still be dependent on the generosity of the Israelites as they had no earthly inheritance. Instead, their inheritance came from God. The Levites were supposed to be evenly sprinkled among all the Israelites so that no one would be left without access to teachers of the Word of God, the ability to offer sacrifices or a place to flee for refuge.
In the same way, Christians should be ministers who go out among the people, influencing them for the Lord. How are you a faithful minister of the Gospel (Philippians 2:3-4)?

Cities of refuge
One of the jobs of the Levites was to provide cities of refuge for the Israelites. These were to be towns set up throughout Israel so that anyone could flee if they had killed another. This city acted as a holding place for anyone waiting to go before the assembly, who would judge their case and assess whether they were guilty. If they were found to be guilty they would be put to death. However, if they were deemed to be innocent of murder, then they would live under the protection of the city. If they left the city, they would lose their protection, but as long as they remained inside, they were safe.
Although the man living inside the city of refuge was innocent of murder, their life was still dramatically changed because they shed human blood. They were removed from their family and friends and had to learn a new way of life to survive. The only way they could ever go back home was if the High Priest died. Then all the cities of refuge were emptied and everyone would go home.
The cities of refuge protected only the innocent, while Jesus protects the guilty (Romans 3:23). Do you flee to Jesus as your refuge (Hebrews 6:18)?
Not all concerns are complaints
Once again, the matter of Zelophehad’s daughters is brought up (first mentioned in Numbers 27). Moses had previously dictated that if there were no sons, the land inheritance would be given to the daughters. Some of the family heads came up to Moses with the concern that if the inheritance went to daughters, and they married, their husband would then inherit the land, and it would no longer belong to the tribe it was given to. Because of this, Moses declared that they women with an inheritance were free to marry anyone they chose, as long as they were within the tribe.
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Here, we see that not all concerns are complaints. The family heads were rightly concerned that the tribal land would become depleted over time, and they brought their concern before the one with authority to fix it.
Are you rightly concerned over a matter, or do you allow concern to turn into a complaint by taking it to everyone but the One capable of solving it (Philippians 2:14; Philippians 4:6-7)?

Reflect on what stage of the journey you are on
The Israelites went through many stages on their journey to the promised land. Some were more important than others for the community, and not every stage recorded in Numbers 33 is listed in another area of the Bible. Yet, through it all, every stage reminded the Israelites of God’s faithfulness and challenged them to eliminate idols that distracted them from wholehearted devotion.
As you think about what stage you are in right now, consider how you have experienced God’s faithfulness, driven out spiritual hindrances, respected spiritual boundaries, and ministered to others, all while seeking refuge in Jesus.