This post is all about how to slow down in motherhood so you can embrace and enjoy every single moment of the day.
Slowing down is not about quitting life, but rather prioritizing the things that matter in each season so you can live a life full of meaning and value.

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Lately I’ve been waking up to my toddler screaming for a snack. He points me to the pantry where his all-time favorite resides. Belvita. Those tiny breakfast cookies are the bane of my existence as a self-proclaimed “crunchy” and “slow” mom. I fight the internal dialogue of whether to give in or have him help make breakfast.
It wasn’t always this way. I used to have the energy to make a nutritious breakfast every morning, even having it ready before anyone else was up. But every season of life brings new challenges and gives us new ways to embrace joy.
I am coming out of the dreaded first trimester pregnancy exhaustion. During that season, I practiced slow living by giving myself grace and letting some areas of homemaking fall by the wayside. Now that I have more energy, I can slow down in motherhood by picking back up on some of the daily moments I enjoy – such as making a nutritious breakfast.
Keep reading to see how you can slow down in motherhood by incorporating some of my favorite tips below.
Slow down in motherhood – A tip for the overstimulated
Slow living isn’t about saying no to everything and becoming lazy. It is about intentionally thinking through what will serve you – and your family – the most in the current season you are in. To slow down in motherhood is to prioritize life-giving activities and find joy in everyday moments.
This may sound wonderful but impossible for you if you find yourself in an overstimulating season. When you have so many tiny feet running through your house, getting into everything, making messes, and begging for your undivided attention, it can be hard to know how to be intentional by slowing down.
My encouragement to you is that you are in a season right now. Meaning, this chaotic time will pass. In the meantime, pick one or two of these slow living tips below to implement this week.
By starting with just a single tip, you will keep yourself from becoming overwhelmed at the thought of a slow lifestyle. By committing to only one week, you will be able to see the benefits and make any adjustments to your new normal to assure it works for you.
Slow down by prioritizing connection over perfection
As mothers, we tend to get wrapped up in having everything be perfect. The kitchen counters need to be spotless. There can’t be anything on the floors. And laundry must never be backed up.
If you are anything like me, having this running to-do list in your head causes you to become short with the people you are trying to serve. I stop leaning into my husbands kisses when I’m thinking about the next three things to check off. And I forget to enjoy my son when he gets in the way of the dishes.
The perfectionism in my to-do list causes me to lose the connection I crave with my family.
Because I know this to be true in my life, I look for ways to put the list down and engage with my family when they seek me out. I put aside having the perfectly clean kitchen and I embrace the joy that my family creates. I know that there will always be time to get my list checked off. But I will not be able to get back the joyful moments that are created organically.
How can you prioritize connection over perfection in your own life this week?
Prioritize your needs
I used to think that self-care was a purely selfish concept. However, my eyes have been opened that you cannot give out of an empty cup. I always knew this was true, but I thought it simply meant reading the Bible and spending time with God. While this is still true and is the most valuable way to spend your time, prioritizing other simple things that bring you joy is so important, especially as a mama.
It is so easy to go about your day taking care of everyone else. But the truth is, if you don’t take time to slow down and give yourself a moment of rest and rejuvenation, you will end up pouring from an empty cup. You will find yourself being short with your kids, ignoring your husband, and resenting everyone around you for stealing your time.
Related post: 9 Ways to Incorporate Slow living Principles Into Your Life
Take a few minutes to write down 20 things that you enjoy doing – that add joy to your life and give you energy. If you are anything like me, after two years of motherhood, I had difficulty even thinking of five.
Establish a morning and evening ritual
One of the best ways to prioritize your needs is by creating a morning or evening ritual filled with one or two things you love. Maybe it’s watching the sun rise with a cup of coffee in the morning or a warm bath after the kids have gone to bed and the housework is done.
No matter what fills your cup, take time to make it a daily practice. You will see the benefits of taking care of yourself immediately.

Don’t be afraid of rest
Some seasons require more rest than others. Not only is that okay, but it is normal and good! If you are finding yourself sluggish and tired most days, consider taking a nap when the kids nap or going to bed earlier. We all know that 7-8 hours of sleep is recommended each night, yet for some reason we think that doesn’t apply to us. Spend the week focusing on your sleep and see the difference it makes in your life.
Focus on your family’s values
Perhaps the most important aspect of slowing down in motherhood is knowing what truly matters to your family. Each family is unique, with its own priorities and values. Take some time to reflect on what is most important to you. Do you value quality time together, or outdoor adventures? Maybe you value creativity and learning or a peaceful home environment?
No matter what it is your family values, by having a clear picture in mind, you can slow down by letting go of the things that don’t align without guilt. For example, if your family prioritizes simplicity and connection, you might find yourself saying no to extra extracurricular activities or social commitments that leave everyone feeling rushed. Because of this simple step, you now have time for family dinners, evening walks, or playing games together.
You cannot live intentionally unless you know your purpose and have reflected on what matters to you. What are the things that your family values?
Learn how to say no {and when to say yes}
In order to slow down in motherhood, you need to say “no” to some things. While the specifics vary for each mother, it is universally true that everyone has at least one thing they can let go of. Perhaps you have too many play-dates or extracurriculars scheduled for your family and you lack time at home. Pick only the most important and fulfilling while letting the others go.
Maybe you need to say no to being at home all day in favor of getting out and interacting with more people. This is especially true for those who are naturally introverted. But everyone needs connection of some kind, and pushing yourself to find it may be the way you can slow down as a parent.
Take some time to reflect on your life and be intentional about how you want to spend your days. Does your current calendar reflect what you value?
Slow down in motherhood by including your children
Your beautiful, chaotic blessings desire to be with you. This is true even when it comes to doing the “chores” that you dread. Folding laundry? Your infant can sit in the pile, your toddler can fold washcloths, and your pre-schooler can hang up shirts. Doing the dishes? You’d be surprised that your 18-month old can hand you the clean silverware from the bottom rack (this is a definitive bonus if you’re pregnant and dread bending over). Do the floors need swept and mopped again? Don’t be afraid to hand a mop or broom to your youngster. You may find that they beg for it throughout the day.
No matter what the chore is that you find yourself putting off, your child would be delighted if you allowed the the opportunity to join you. This is a great time to get to know more about them and their tiny personalities as you spend quality time together.
Don’t be afraid of the task taking a little longer than if you did it by yourself. Part of the joy of slow motherhood is embracing every moment for what it is.
Get outside
One of my favorite books is “There’s no such thing as bad weather” because it helped me see the importance of getting outside regularly. There are endless benefits of fresh air for both you and your children. So it’s no wonder why getting outside is a halmark of slow living.
Try to get outside everyday to help your entire family’s mood and wellbeing. Spend time at the park, going for walks, and exploring new places.
Related post: Slow Living Toddler | Easy Steps To A More Peaceful Life Together
Slow down in motherhood by celebrating small victories and events
Take time throughout your day to find joy in the small moments that life brings. Pause anytime you hear your kid’s laughter, see something beautiful, or smell something delicious. Enjoy the tiny moments that most people rush by. These small moments add up to a life of joy that can only be experienced when you decide to slow down and partake in them.
Celebrate the small victories that are found in your babies reaching their milestones. Don’t be afraid to get excited when they smile for the first time or say “mama” for the hundredth time. Delight in your kids when they present a bug they found or show you the super cool fort they built. Try to see life from their eyes with each day bringing so many new things to explore.
How can you slow down and celebrate small victories and events this week?
Create rhythms in your days and weeks
Adopting a flexible rhythm that leaves room for spontaneity is key to slow motherhood. Rhythms allow you to loosely plan your day to accomplish what needs to be done, while leaving room for mishaps, meltdowns, and adventures. Planning a rhythm is simple. Reflect on the flow of your normal days, paying attention to what you like and the things that work well. Simply plug those anchor points into your daily rhythm and allow for life to happen organically around them.

Slow down in motherhood by Simplifying your home
A cluttered home tends to lead to a cluttered mind. Simplifying your space doesn’t mean getting rid of everything you own to reach a minimalistic aesthetic. Instead, it means only keeping the things that serve you or bring you joy when you see them.
Imagine looking around your living room and seeing a cozy, inviting space with only one or two of your child’s favorite toys and your softest blanket waiting for you on the couch. This picture creates a sense of peace and fulfilment, rather than entering your living room to find multiple toy sets strewn about, ten throw pillows to pick up, and a bunch of books and other nonsense of the coffee table. This picture is sure to give you a mini heart attack as you contemplate having to clean it all up again.
Related post: 15 Simple Steps to Begin Decluttering Your Home Today
Start simplifying your home today so you can have less moments of panic and more peaceful memories with your loved ones.
Slow down in motherhood by finding joy in the everyday, mundane tasks
We all have those everyday tasks that we dread. Lately for me, it’s been doing the dishes. I mean, how is it possible for them to pile up SO quickly? One of the ways I choose to find joy in this task is by allowing myself to feel frustrated by the constant deluge of dirty dishes.
Feelings are not inherently bad, and they can be quite useful if you acknowledge them. However, the problem arises when we allow ourselves to stay in the negative emotion. This breeds turmoil and discontentment in our lives. So every time I feel myself getting frustrated with the dishes and starting to complain about doing them for the 100th time that day, I am reminded of Philippians 2:14. Here, Paul tells us to “do everything without grumbling or complaining”. Then, I very humorously say “grumble, grumble, grumble” under my breath in a grumpy tone. For some reason, this outward acknowledgement of frustration leads me to gratitude as I reflect on being thankful for having a family who enjoys meals together.
Life is made up of small, ordinary moments. When you embrace the beauty in these tasks, you’ll begin to see that they are the threads that weave a joyful, meaningful motherhood. How can you reframe your mindset to enjoy the everyday, mundane tasks that life throws at you?
Put the phone down
Social media is designed to keep you on its platform for as long as possible. Because of this, we get caught doom-scrolling and lose track of time. We pull out our phones subconsciously throughout the day and get lost in the reels. We become distracted from real life and long for the beautifully curated aesthetic that we see everyone else has.
In order to slow down, be more present in the moment, and enjoy motherhood more, find ways to put your phone down. You can set a daily time limit on social media, put your phone in a drawer so you aren’t tempted to scroll, or delete apps altogether. No matter how you decide to put your phone down, you’ll be surprised at all the free time you can come up with.
Consider reading “Stolen Focus: Why you can’t Pay Attention And How to Think Deeply Again” to learn more about algorithms and find practical ways to put the phone down.
Take time to reflect
You may have noticed that there is a pattern to all of the tips mentioned above. Slowing down in motherhood is about taking time to reflect on your life. Reflect on your values and what is important to you. It can be so easy to go through life discontent with the season you are in, but unless you take a moment to reflect on where you have been and where you want to be, you can’t change anything.
Reflect often
I have built in reflection daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly reflection times so that I can be as intentional as possible with my life. For daily reflection, I spend just a few moments in the morning considering what I want to accomplish and how I will get it done that day. In the evening, I reflect on the day and dwell on the joyful moments. I ponder what went well. I think about the things that I didn’t enjoy and ask myself how I can change it in the future.
Every week I sit down for thirty minutes to reflect on the past week. I ensure that the things I spent time on align with my values, and I make a plan for the upcoming week. I do the same thing each month when I schedule different events and prioritize the things that are important to me. Each year I take a few days to reflect on the past year. I come up with new motivation to stick to my values and implement changes in the upcoming year based on them.
Take time this week to reflect on each and every day. Ask yourself if your days reflect your values or if there are changes you can make throughout your day. At the end of the week, reflect on your time and see if you feel more fulfilled after living intentionally.
Slow motherhood is a journey
Slowing down in motherhood is not about achieving perfection or adding more to your already full plate. Instead, it’s about intentionally choosing what matters most to you and your family in each season of life. It’s a process of embracing the present, celebrating the small joys, and learning to let go of the unnecessary.
Remember, you don’t have to implement every tip at once. Start small—whether it’s creating a simple rhythm for your day, spending a few intentional moments connecting with your family, or prioritizing rest when you need it.
Motherhood is full of fleeting moments that often pass by too quickly. By slowing down, you can savor the beauty, find joy in the mundane, and cultivate a life filled with meaning and purpose.
What is one step you’ll take this week to slow down and enjoy motherhood? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.