This post is all about journal prompts for every Christian to help elevate your faith.

Journaling is a great way for any believer to spend time with God. It allows you to reflect of Biblical truths while also helping you process your beliefs and build your spiritual knowledge. Journaling is also something that can be done in as little as 5 minutes or take up to an hour or more. This makes journaling an indispensable resource because of its flexibility and amazing benefits.
If you are new to journaling, or are just looking for some additional prompts, here are some of the best Christian journal prompts to help elevate your faith today.
Bible based Christian journal prompts
If you are looking for some prompts that will help you focus on Biblical themes and maybe even research and learn more about the Bible, these are for you.
- Why is the Creation story important?
- What does it mean to be made in God’s image?
- What are some lessons you can learn from Abraham (who is considered the father of our faith)?
- Why did God allow the Israelites to be slaves in Eqypt?
- What was the purpose of the 10 plagues?
- Why are the 10 commandments so important? Are they still applicable today?
- Why did the Israelites have to wander in the wilderness for 40 years?
- What are some Old Testament prophesies about Jesus?
- Why did Jesus have to come as a baby?
- Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?
- What does it mean to be reconciled with God?
- What does it mean to always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have?
- What are the end-times?
Christian journal prompts for women
Christianity has always elevated women, although it can be hard to see it in our modern culture. Here are some journal prompts to help you navigate a biblical perspective of the role of women and God’s immense love for us.
- Where in scripture do you see God’s value of women?
- How is God’s treatment of women different than culture’s treatment (both Biblical culture and modern)?
- What are some commonly accepted beliefs about women that are not biblical?
- What does it mean to be a Proverbs 31 woman?
- What does it mean to be a Titus 2 woman?
- Describe what you think an ideal Christian woman should be like? Why is that your ideal? Does it line up with scripture?
- How can you be a light for others in a dark world?
- Are you self-righteous or prideful about something? How can you change your heart?
Christian journal prompts for anxiety
Anxiety is a common occurrence, even for strong believers. If you find yourself struggling with anxiety ro anxious thoughts, these prompts will help you overcome.
- What is the meaning of Philippians 4:6?
- How can you focus on Christ today?
- What does it mean to cast your burdens on the Lord?
- Describe a time when God has given you His peace.
- How can you be bold and courageous for the Lord?
- What specific anxieties are weighing on your heart today? How can you surrender them to God?
- Reflect on a time where God provided for you in the past. How does this help you remember His present faithfulness?
- What does Jesus say about worry in Matthew 6:25-34? How can you apply those concepts to your present anxieties?
- What is one practical way you can rest in God’s presence and peace when you feel overwhelmed?
Related post: How to calm the Stress | Meditate On God’s Word

Journal prompts for reflection
Sometimes it is good to remember the past. We can remember God’s faithfulness to us as a way to encourage ourselves in current situations. We can also remember times in our lives that we did not walk in step with the spirit as a reminder to stay steadfast. Here are some prompts to help you reflect.
- When did you become a Christian? How has your life changed?
- Describe a time you knew God’s will but chose not to walk in it. What happened as a result?
- Describe when you felt closest to God.
- Has there been a time in your life that you heard from God?
- When was a time (in your life) that God used a bad situation for good?
- What season of your life are you in right now?
- Is there something you haven’t forgiven yourself for? What steps do you need to take towards forgiveness?
- How has God demonstrated His love and care for you?
Christian gratitude journal prompts
Cultivating a heart of gratitude is important for every believer. Here are some journal prompts to help you with your thankfulness journey.
- What does it mean to be thankful?
- What are three things you are grateful for today?
- Describe a person you are thankful for. What is it about them that makes them stand out to you?
- What do you love most about your church family?
- What Characteristics of God are you especially grateful for today?
- How have you experienced God’s presence this week?
- What is one way God has provided for you recently?
- How has God answered a past prayer that surprised you?
- How has someone showed you God’s love recently?
- How have you shown God’s love to others?
- How can you express gratitude to a friend or family member today?
- What was a difficult season in your life that you now see as a blessing?
Related post: 31 Gratitude Journal Prompts For Thanksgiving
Christian journals with prompts
If you are looking for a guided journal, here are a few to consider.
Stuff I’d Only Tell God: A Guided Journal of Courageous Honesty, Obsessive Truth-Telling, and Beautifully Ruthless Self-Discovery – This journal is full of various thought-provoking and soul-searching prompts.
Prayer Journal for Women: 52 Week Scripture, Devotional & Guided Prayer Journal – This journal is perfect for anyone who wants a strong emphasis on scripture and journaling their thoughts about it.
52-Week Christian Couples Journal: Prompts and Prayers to Strengthen Your Relationship with Each Other and Your Faith – This journal is perfect for any couple who love to talk about and share life together.
52-Week Devotional Journal for Women: Prompts and Prayers to Reflect and Connect with God – This journal is perfect for women who want to connect with God and strengthen their relationship.
What will you journal about today?
Journaling is a great way to connect with God as you explore your own beliefs about Him and the world around you. What prompts inspired you to pick up your pen today?
This post was all about the best journal prompts for any Christian.
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