This Bible study is all about God’s good character, and how we should live differently because of who He is.
Not all sin is blatantly doing what we know we should not. Often, sin takes a more sinister approach as we try to ignore the good we should do. In these chapters, Moses adresses both types of sin. He places an emphasis on doing good, even when no one is around to see. Here, we see that we should be faithful to God because He has been faithful to us. We should also strive to protect and comfort the innocent because that is how God treats us. The reason God commands us to not sin by omission (not doing what we know to be good) is because it goes against His very character. He is always good. And He always does what is good for His children.

Read all about how God’s Character is good, before reflecting on it below.
Deuteronomy 20-22
God’s good character and faithfulness leads us to take courage
Moses assured the Israelites that they would face armies larger and bigger than them. But they were not to be afraid when this happened. The reason that Moses gave to them was because of God’s past faithfulness. Yes, the would face horses and chariots (a sign of a large and powerful nation). But they have faced similar horses and chariots before, when they fled Egypt. At that time, they didn’t even have an army. Instead they fled on foot with their women, children, and whatever possessions they could carry. Now, they were an assembled people and if they fought according to God’s direction, He promised them victory.
Do you become fearful or overwhelmed when facing a problem you think is bigger than you? Or do you take courage because God is bigger than anything you face (Matthew 19:26)?
Numbers aren’t everything when it comes to God’s good Character
When the Israelites went to war, they were given the general command to let anyone go home who had unfinished business or who was afraid. This encouraged the Israelites to work hard and build a life for themselves because they knew they would reap the benefits of creating and being productive at home. But it also served as a way to ensure that those who served in the army were truly devoted to God. God did not care about how large His army was, but how committed they were to following Him. God can do more with a few truly committed people than He can with hundreds of people who compromise on their devotion.
Are you fully devoted to following God wherever He leads? Or do you compromise on who (or what) you serve (Matthew 6:24)?
Atonement for an unsolved murder
Anytime there was an unsolved or unavenged murder in Israel, the land would be polluted from bloodshed. Because of this, a sacrifice would need to be made if someone was found slain. Because of this, a heifer would be used as the substitute for the unknown murderer. This would symbolically cleanse Israel, releasing them from the guilt of bloodshed.
This passage builds off of the concepts and knowledge of an earlier passage, in Numbers 35:33-34. How often do you find connections in scripture? Is studying the Word of God on a deeper lever important for Christians (Hosea 4:6, Hebrews 4:12)?

God’s good character provides Protection for the captive woman
A common practice in ancient cultures was to take a woman captive during war. God put limits on the Israelites regarding how they were to treat such women. First and foremost, the woman had to be willing to be taken. This was shown in her readiness to shave her head and replace her clothing. These were outward signs that she was putting away her old self – removing herself from her past nation and family – to become a citizen of Israel. God also states that the woman must live with her husband-to-be for a full month without any intimate relations. This was a time for them to get to know each other as the man decided if the attraction went beyond the physical. If, at the end of the time, he did not want to marry her, she was to be released as a free woman, able to go as she pleased.
This passage once again shows the mercy of God to those who would be considered “worthless”. How have you shown this characteristic of God to others (Luke 6:32-36)?
Rebellion leads to death
If there was a son who was of an age of accountability (not a minor) who continued to be stubborn and rebellious toward his parents, they were to bring him to the elders. The elders would then investigate to see if the parents had raised him in obedience to the Lord. And if he was truly rebellious. If it was determined that he was, all of the men of the town were to stone him to death. Although this punishment sounds extreme, it put a limit on parental authority. Ancient Greek and Roman culture allowed a father complete control over death and life of their son. But the Israelites knew that only God had that authority.
Even though there is no record of this law being carried out, its inclusion in the Mosaic Law would help prevent unruly and rebellious behavior. Has there been a time in your life where God has shown you the consequences of your sin to help guide you toward righteousness (Isaiah 59:2)?
Don’t ignore doing good
In the section of various laws, Moses makes a point that if the Israelites see someone’s Ox or sheep straying, they had an obligation to return it to its owner. If they did not know the owner, they were to take care of the animal until they could identify an owner. Likewise, if they saw an animal who had fallen, they were to stop what they were doing to help its owner. This was a simple law. It would have only taken a few minutes for Moses to relate it to the people. Yet, this law would have an impact in the lives of those who came upon a neighbor in need of help with their animal. They were to stop whatever it was they were doing and take however long it would take to help someone they might not even know or like.
Are you the type of person who will lay down anything to help someone else when you see an opportunity (Luke 10:25-37)?
Related Post: God’s Commands Led to Mercy in a Merciless World

The value of purity
God also gave laws to Israel and her judges regarding case law. These laws can be hard to read and understand from our current cultural perspective. Yet, through them, God’s love and protection is shown to women. If a man and women were caught sleeping together in town, both of them would receive the death penalty from the judges based on evidence. This was because the woman had the opportunity to scream for help but did not – implying her willingness. If, however, the man was outside of town and came upon a woman, only he was guilty because there would be no one to hear the woman pleading for help.
All of these laws are based on the principle that God values purity. Deuteronomy 22:26 says that this case is the same as someone who has murdered a neighbor. Do you place the same emphasis on purity that God does (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)?
Reflect on how you live differently because of God’s good character
In each of these laws, we see God’s character on display – He is good and He calls us to emulate His goodness to others. How do you live differently in light of His goodness to you?
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