This Bible study is all about how to walk faithfully with God when those around you aren’t.
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Throughout the Bible, we see times where people chose to walk faithfully with God in a wicked world. Whether it is generations of following God, or one person who changes the course of their familial history by turning to God when their family won’t, each of us has to make the choice to follow God.
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Read about those who’ve walked faithfully with God in a wicked world, before reflecting on it below
Genesis 5-6
Walk faithfully through the generations
Genesis 5 tells the familial history from Adam to Noah, and every man’s history ends with “and he died” leaving no question as to the frailty of man’s life. It dis not matter how much they did during their short time on earth, all men came to the same outcome.
Why do you think the phrase “and he died” is repeated after the account of every man in chapter five (James 4:14)?
Related Post: Embrace the Journey | Bible Journaling Through Genesis
Walk faithfully with God in His presence
Enoch walked faithfully with God. This phrase implies a close relationship with God. You cannot walk next to someone without knowing that they are there and feeling their presence. Walking with God means having faith, trusting Him with all parts of our life, and being in agreement with God.
Do you walk faithfully with God? Do you know that His presence is always with you? How can you walk with God today (Amos 3:3)?
The choice to walk faithfully or walk in wicked ways
Genesis 6 tells the story of the angelic beings coming down and taking the daughters of men as their wives. They were having children together and participating in all kinds of evil, to the point of being corrupt in all their ways. God saw the evil, and His response was to say that his spirit would not contend with the human race forever. God pursues us relentlessly, but there comes a point when we reject God so much that He can no longer save us. Our salvation is a free gift from God, but we must accept it and turn from our wicked ways.
How have you felt God pursue you? Do you turn towards Him, or away from Him when He is pursuing you (Matthew 23:37)?
God gives chances to repent for the faithful and wicked alike
Here God gives a warning that there will be 120 years before he acts, saying that His spirit will not contend with humans forever (Genesis 6:3). God gave His children many chances at repentance before he sent the flood, but they would not believe the signs he sent during those 120 years.
Do you repent when God gives you a chance (Acts 3:19)?
Wickedness grieves God
The result of man’s depravity grieved God. Genesis 6:6 says that God regretted that he had made man. God was not surprised by that amount of evil and depravity in the world, for God knew what would happen since the beginning of time. However, it still grieved God as he saw how his people suffered because of their own wickedness. In the same way, it grieves God every time he sees our suffering as the result of a fallen world.
Do you know that your sin grieves God? God desires to walk in relationship with you, but sin separates us from God and often sends us down a different path. How can you reconcile with the Father (Romans 5:10)?
Reflect on how to walk faithfully with God
Are you currently walking faithfully with God, or are their areas in your life where you need to turn to God in repentance and submit yourself to His authority?