This Bible study is all about what it means to be set apart and called to holiness.
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Leviticus 21 and 22 talk about how God’s priests are to be set apart for His glory as they are called to holiness. Leviticus 23 talks about how ALL of Israel was to set apart certain days throughout the year as sacred gatherings to the Lord where they would rest and worship. Although these chapters are directed at the children of Israel, there is so much that the modern-day Christian can learn about the mighty God we serve.
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Read all about what it means to be set apart and called to holiness, before reflecting on it below.
Leviticus 21-23
To represent God is to be called to holiness
The priests had the unique responsibility of representing God to the people. They were called to distinguish between what was holy and unholy and teach the Israelites the laws of God. They also had the responsibility to represent the people before God, bringing their sacrifices to God and helping make their hearts right before God. Because of this, they were called to be set apart. They could not do as the pagans did, preparing dead bodies for burial, because they were called to represent holiness, which leads to life.
Related post: Set apart for God | How to be holy.
How are you called to holiness in your own life? How does the way you live reflect the life that God gives (2 Corinthians 3:18)?
Holiness is connected to fellowship with God
Part of the priest’s job was to present the food offerings to the Lord. Food was so closely linked to fellowship because you commune with people as you eat with them. Because of this, there was a special emphasis on the need to be holy – to be right with God – in order to fellowship with Him. The same is true today. You cannot walk with God in true righteousness if you are unclean before Him. If you allow your sin to separate you from Him, you cannot be in His presence. Unlike the Old Covenant, however, we have access to the father through Jesus if we are willing to receive Him.
Are you walking in right relationship with Christ (1 John 1:6)?
Related post: Offerings to God: The amazing truth found in Leviticus 1-3.
Called to be whole as a part of holiness
Priests who had a permanent physical defect were not allowed to minister before God, although they were still allowed to eat the bread of fellowship. These physical defects have spiritual applications for us today. We should not come to God blind, but with our eyes open to His goodness and glory. Our legs should not be lame, but give a stable foundation for us to stand on. We should not come with disfigured hands or feet, but with feet ready to share the good news and hands willing to serve. We should not come with scabs or festering sores, but with pure and righteous lives for others to see. It should always be our goal to offer our very best to God.
How do you come to God (James 4:8)?
You must be clean to be in God’s presence
The priests were not able to minister if they were ceremonially unclean. If something had made them unclean, they would have to wait until sundown (the start of a new day) before they could approach God and do His work. Although being ceremonially unclean did not permanently affect their calling to priesthood and holiness, it did place a temporary pause on their fellowship with God. The same is true with us: sin separates us momentarily from God, but once we repent and seek reconciliation, we are restored in right relationship with God.
Do you need to come clean before God, being reconciled to Him (Isaiah 59:2)?
Called to keep God’s commands as a part of holiness (22)
Time after time in Leviticus, God tells us to keep His commands and follow them. We are to do this because He is the Lord; Holy is His name. There are 3 reasons we should keep God’s commands. We should keep His commands because of WHO He is. God is Holy, just, merciful, kind, tenderhearted, loving, compassionate, gracious, faithful, and so much more. We should keep God’s commands because of what He has done. He has been faithful throughout all generations. And we should keep God’s commands because of what he will do. We know that He who promised is faithful. He will keep His promises.
Who does the Bible say God is (Exodus 34:5-7)?
A time to work and a time to rest (23)
Before God told Moses the sacred gatherings that the Israelites were to observe year after year, He again stated the importance of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is not just supposed to be a time of rest, but a time of worship and gathering of believers. It is to be a time of prayer and teaching God’s word. But in order to have a day of rest, there must be six days of work. Work is not a bad thing, rather, it is something God designed for us to do. We are to follow His example of working for six days before resting on the seventh.
Do you serve at work as if you were serving God (Ephesians 6:7)?
The first 4 Sacred gatherings
The first four sacred gatherings that the Israelites were to observe happened in the spring, all within a short time frame. The Passover commemorated the passing over of the angel during the last plague in Egypt, and the festival of unleavened bread was a reminder that they did not have time to let the bread rise when they fled. The offering of firstfruits was to occur at the beginning of harvest with gratitude for all God had given them. The festival of weeks took place seven Sabbaths after, and was a wave offering of two leavened loaves of bread as a thanksgiving offering. Each of these festivals have been fulfilled by Jesus the Messiah coming to save His people.
How does your knowledge of Old Testament Festivals strengthen your understanding of the New Testament and how Jesus is the fulfillment of the law (Matthew 5:17-18)?
The last 3 Sacred gatherings
There is a period of about four months between the first four festivals and the last three. In the fall, Israel was to celebrate the festival of trumpets, which was a call to rest and worship. The day of atonement followed 10 days after and was a somber remembrance of their sins. Five days later was the festival of Tabernacles which was a joyous celebration of God’s goodness and faithfulness. It is believed that these sacred gatherings will be fulfilled in the second coming of Christ, when there will be trumpets announcing His presence, all will look on the one we have pierces, and He will Tabernacle (or dwell) among us again.
Did you know that there are prophesies of the second coming in the Old Testament? Does knowing this challenge your faith (1 Peter 3:15-16)?