Exodus is the sequel to Genesis. It starts with the Israelites in Egypt 400 years after Joseph and his family had moved there. God brought the Israelites out of Egypt and out of slavery. He taught them how they could live according to His laws. Here, God shows us the need for a savior.
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Important Themes in Exodus
The book of Exodus is a continuation of God’s redemption plan for his people. Genesis left off with Joseph and his family growing in Egypt. Exodus continues the same story 400 years later, when the Israelites became a large people enslaved by the Egyptians.
Related post: A brief introduction to Genesis.
Exodus begins by showing us Moses’ life, his calling by God, and his running away. But God can use anyone. He molded Moses into the leader of the Israelites while showing Egypt His sovereignty through the 10 plagues.
God delivers His people from slavery and leads them into the wilderness. Even though the Israelites have seen the goodness of God and the miracles He performed, they still have trouble placing their trust and faith in God. They complain that God led them out of the desert only to die, so God provides for them with daily manna.
Moses goes up on Mt Sinai to get commandments from God, but while he is up there, the people become anxious and turn back to what they learned in Egypt. They make themselves Idols to worship. When Moses comes down from the mountain he sees the unfaithfulness of the Israelites and throws the tablets.
But God is faithful. He gives instructions to the Israelites to build a temple – a dwelling place so that his presence can be with His people.
God desires a relationship with His people, and this theme is evident throughout this book.
Related post: A brief introduction to Leviticus
The 5 W’s of Exodus
Who wrote it
The book of Exodus was written by Moses, who wrote the first five books of the Bible, known as the Torah.
What it’s about
Exodus demonstrate God’s redemption by blood.
When it was written
This book was written in the 15th century B.C.
Where the story takes place
Exodus begins in Egypt and follows the Israelites through the wilderness to Mt. Sinai.
Why it’s important
God wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). He demonstrates His love for His people throughout the book of Exodus.
God gave the Israilites the law as a way to set them apart for Him. He gave them a way to live while also making a way to show the whole world that redemption can only come from the blood of Jesus Christ.
In Exodus you will find:
Moses’ early life (1-4)
The plagues of Egypt (5-11)
The Passover (12-13)
Crossing the Red Sea (14-15)
Manna and Quail (16)
Commandments and laws (20-23)
Tabernacle preparations (24-40)
Exodus contains many foundational stories of God’s character and His love for His people. We will continue to see God’s plan of redemption for His people as we read through this book!