This Bible study is all about the awesome power of God, which He displayed when he performed the miracle of parted water, allowing the Israelites to walk through on dry land.
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These chapters reveal a little more of God’s love for us as he preforms a new miracle – of parted water – and delivers the Israelites. Even after seeing the goodness of God, the Israelites choose to complain when they perceive things going wrong. It is in the midst of their complaints that God chose to reveal Himself as Jehovah Rapha, meaning “the Lord who heals you.” God chose to reveal more of Himself despite the Israelites being in a difficult place.

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Read all about the miracle of parted water before reflecting on it below.
Exodus 13-16
Consecrate the firstborn
The Israelites were to consecrate – or set apart – their firstborn to God. This reason for this was three-fold: 1) it honored God because Israel is God’s firstborn. 2) it is a reminder that God redeemed Israel from the Egyptians. 3) they were giving their best to God because the firstborn was considered the best.
Do you give your best to God, honoring Him and remembering what He has done for you (Deuteronomy 8:2)?
The miracle of substitution
A provision was made for the Israelites if they were unable to consecrate their firstborn. Donkeys were considered an unclean animal, and therefore they could not be sacrificed. Because of this, they were to offer a lamb in its place. If there was no substitution, the Israelites were told to break the donkey’s neck because it was useless. In the same way, Jesus is the perfect lamb and we are the unclean donkeys. We are not fit to stand before God, but Jesus took our sins upon Himself and became the substitution so that we could be consecrated to God.
Why is it important to see Jesus as the sacrificial lamb, even in exodus (Isaiah 53:7)?
The shortest distance
God did not lead the Israelites the shortest distance to the promised land. Instead, He led them in a roundabout sort of way. This was to accomplish two things: first, the shortest distance had many military outposts, and God knew the Israelites would become afraid when they saw this and not continue on; and second, Pharaoh would see the Israelites wandering and think they were confused. Then Pharaoh would pursue them and God would perform another miracle.
Is God leading you in a roundabout sort of way? Do you trust His guidance (Isaiah 58:11)?
Faith over fear: before the miracle of parted water
The Israelites looked up and saw the Egyptians approaching them. They looked up only high enough to see the problem, but not high enough to see their protector. Because of this, when the Israelites saw the Egyptians pursuing them, they became afraid. They said to themselves “did God really lead us out just to kill us now?” But Moses told them to be still in the presence of God. The Israelites did not need to do anything because God would fight for them.
Do you allow God to fight for you, or do you try to be god over your life and control the situation (Deuteronomy 3:22)?
Faith in God because of the miracle of parted water
God’s presence had been leading the Israelites by a pillar of fire during the night and a pillar of clouds during the day. But now the cloud went behind the Israelites, separating them from the Egyptians. Throughout the night, the cloud brought darkness to the Egyptians and light to the Israelites. The Egyptians experienced darkness so great that they could not advance towards the Israelites {perhaps they were remembering the plague of darkness}, and the Israelites spent the night in God’s light and protection. The next morning, the Israelites would cross the red sea on dry ground and the Egyptians would drown.
The Israelites put their faith in God again after they witnessed the miracle of parted water. What does it take for God to get your attention and for you to put your faith in Him (Psalms 85:8)?
Spontaneous worship after the miracle of parted water
The Israelites response to witnessing the miraculous parting of the sea was to break out in spontaneous worship. They saw how God had delivered them and they praised Him for His faithfulness. Praise brings the presence of God near. This spontaneous song is the first recorded song in the Bible and is all about God. It is a testament to the goodness of God, and how God makes His people victorious to bring about His glory.
When was the last time you broke out in spontaneous worship to God, praising Him for all He has done (Psalms 33:3)?
Trusting god
It was not long after offering up this spontaneous praise to God for the Miracle of parted water that the Israelites forgot the goodness of God and started to complain. Instead of turning to their deliverer, the Israelites were consumed with their perceived problems. They complained that God had brought them out into the desert to starve them, even though they had yet to see any starvation. At the first pang of hunger, they forgot all that God had done for them and instead focused on their troubles.
The Israelites continued to go back to their old ways of complaining instead of trusting God. Do you find it hard to trust God will provide you what you need? What are some ways you can trust God today (1 Peter 1:14)?
Reflect on the miracle of parted water and how God does the miraculous in your life
Throughout scripture, God uses miracles to point to His power and authority. The parting of the red sea is just one instance in a million where God does the impossible, and it will be talked about for years to come to bring God glory. Where have you seen a miracle of parted water in your life?
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