Hello, friend!
Welcome to this Bible study on Numbers!
The book of Numbers is like a dance between the Israelites and God. Swaying together, drawing closer and moving further apart, the duet changes as the Israelites find their place as a nation while their partner faithfully holds them tight.
Numbers starts off with the Israelites doing everything that God had commanded them. Moving on from Mt. Sinai and drawing close to the promised land, they decide to complain. Their rebellious nature leads them to wander the wilderness for 40 years. During this time of wilderness wanderings, their faith is strengthened and a new generation is made ready.
Finally they are ready to embrace God’s will and they enter the land that God had promised to their ancestor, Abraham.
Start Here
If you want some context to the book of Numbers before starting this Bible Study, read An Introduction to Numbers.
The Numbers Bible Study
Numbers 1-4
God Calls By Name | Beauty in the Book of Numbers
Numbers 5-8
The Recognizable Difference of Being Set Apart for God
Numbers 9-12
From Contentment to Complaining | The Beginning of the Wilderness Wanderings
Numbers 13-15
Faith, Failure, and Delaying God’s Blessing
Numbers 16-19
Caught Up In Sin | Your Need For the Red Heifer
Numbers 20-21
The Battle Between Death and Life
Numbers 22-25
Lessons From Balaam and Balak | How to Understand God’s Will
Numbers 26-30
A Promised People are Devoted in Surrender